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Unsucky out-of-office messages for your Thanksgiving break.

Need an out-of-office message for your Thanksgiving break? We got you. Have a read, decide which one best suits your Thanksgiving situation, then cut and paste it into your email.  

The food coma

Can’t email. Too. Much. Turkey. Send helphfnskjuilujkalsd. 

I take Thanksgiving very seriously

Really? You’re emailing me on a national holiday? What kind of a monster does that? Needless to say, I’ll be ignoring this email and upon my return will be reporting you to the Dept. of Crimes Against Giving Thanks. Good day, sir! 

The fake tan has gone to my head

Look, as much as I’d love to reply to your email — I can’t. You see I’m on a luxury yacht just off the coast of Barbados. Is Rhianna on the yacht? I’m not at liberty to say. Let’s just say she’s not, not here. I'll reply just as soon as I'm sure my fake tan won't stain my keyboard. 

Thanksgiving with the parents

I’m so glad you emailed! Can you do me a favor? I had to fly home for Thanksgiving so I’m sharing my childhood bedroom with my flatulent Grandpa and his St. Bernard. So could you just call me, real quick and say there’s an emergency at work and I have to fly home immediately? Save. Me. Please. 

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